TFT and Rescue Dogs

Easy Tapping Techniques for Uneasy Rescue Dogs

by Jo Cooper, TFT-Dx

I have been visiting an animal rescue center and recently had the opportunity to work with a dog that was traumatized. She was at the center for re-homing and was lying shivering in her basket. She would not move from it and braced her feet against the side so that it was almost impossible to move her.

As she lay trembling, I talked to her and tapped using the trauma algorithm. I next used algorithms for complex trauma, anger and rage. Gradually she became a little more interested and did not tense her body quite as much.

I was able to lift her to a sitting position and then, after some more tapping, she stepped out of her bed and came with me for a walk. It had taken about 30 minutes. She was still very nervous, had her tail between her legs and pulled back when she saw another person or dog.

However, she seemed to enjoy the walk!

The next day, I found her—again—in her basket, trembling fearfully. But this time she picked up her head and looked at me, and even wagged her tail a little. It took 5 minutes to get her to step out of her bed and go outside with me. The next time I visited the center, I saw her running in and out of her outside pen and jumping up to greet people!

After that success, the staff asked me to work with another dog—only a few months old and already biting and snapping.

“He’s a challenge,” said the staffer. “Be careful of that one.”

After listening blithely to advice that I’d have to ‘lasso’ him by dropping a loop of lead around his neck, I found the dog cowering in the corner behind his bed.

I sat on the floor and focused my attention on him, using surrogate tapping to calm him. Eventually he got up and walked over to me and sniffed my hand. He went away and came back a few times, and I was gradually able to stroke his head and begin touching the tapping points on his head.

He didn’t make any attempt to growl or bite, and after a short while I was able to tap gently through the sequence and put a collar around his neck. I took him outside, although he was obviously not used to walking on a lead so I carried him some of the way and sat with him, continuing to tap whenever he seemed uneasy. He yawned the way some people do after a TFT session.

Later, one of the staff tried her own puppy in the dog run with him. And 30 minutes later, she had both puppies on leads on the grass outside the building!

Excerpted from Callahan Techniques’ latest bookThe Tapping
Solution: Tapping the Body’s Energy Pathways

4 thoughts on “TFT and Rescue Dogs”

  1. Question… I am intersted in how you did the tapping technique on the dog. Do you have step by step instructions on how to do it on the dog? I would like to try this on my dog that has an intense fear of thunder. Thank you so much!

  2. Just follow the instructions we give for the trauma relief technique. It is possible to tap on meridian points on the dog but easier to just do the TFT technique on yourself while touching the animal, with the intention that it is for the animal. Your dog has to be feeling the fear while you do it so you’ll have to wait until you have thunder again. Please let us know how it goes. It’s usually very effective for animals.

  3. Our dog is a rescue dog, with some different issues, that I think was caused by truama when she was a pup. She growls at her food, chass anything that makes noise. Do you think the tapping could help her?

  4. TFT can be very helpful for animals. Follow the instructions for the trauma relief technique, tapping on yourself while touching your dog. Do it while she’s feeling anxious, such as when she’s growling at her food. Please let us know how it goes.

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