What Is TFT?

TFT was discovered and developed by Dr. Roger J. Callahan. Dr. Callahan earned a Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Syracuse University and was Associate Professor and Director of Psychological Services and Research at Eastern Michigan University before entering private practice. He has served as President of the American Academy of Psychologists in Marital and Family Therapy. Although Dr. Callahan’s background was in conventional psychotherapy, he explored new approaches to healing that might more effectively help his clients, and was a pioneer in cognitive therapy and clinical hypnotherapy.

Passionate to find an ever more powerful approach, Dr. Callahan continued to explore innovative therapies. It was through this journey that TFT was born.

THOUGHT FIELD THERAPY (by Dr. Roger & Ms. Joanne Callahan, May 2009)

Thought Field Therapy (originally known as the Callahan Techniques) is different from other psychological treatments. The therapeutic process itself is completely unique, as is the scientific foundation on which it is based and the unprecedented results it produces. Since its discovery as the Callahan Techniques 30 years ago, it has spawned numerous offshoots within the field of energy psychology and brief therapies. With a passionate commitment to science and healing, Dr. Callahan continues to develop and improve the TFT protocol.

TFT is a system that accesses and resolves the essence and the root cause of a problem within the whole human system, be it emotional, mental, physical, and/or spiritual. As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Callahan began working with negative emotions–phobias, anger, guilt, grief, trauma, addictions, depression, etc. These negative feelings are condensed information in energy form, bound in what he calls a “thought field”. The active information in this thought field creates the distress by disrupting the body’s internal energy flow, causing upheaval that sabotages your emotional well-being. It has become apparent that the same process also occurs for many physical symptoms.

The key to the treatment is influencing the body’s bioenergy field by tapping with your fingers on specific points on the body located along energy meridians, while tuned into the specific thought field. This is a simple, user-friendly process.

Thanks to new research using technology that can monitor the body’s autonomic nervous system, we can now scientifically measure and quantify the systemic changes that TFT produces. We use Heart Rate Variability to measure changes in one’s overall state of health and monitor efficacy of treatment. Clearly, TFT heals at a most fundamental level, and it happens almost instantaneously.

Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is indeed a highly effective, drug-free and non-invasive method for eliminating fears, anxiety, trauma and stress within minutes.

“What’s fascinating about TFT is it’s quick, painless and it’s success rate is almost unheard of in the field of mental health in any type of treatment over this whole century.”   Shad Meshad, President, National Veterans Foundation & Founder and Author of the National Vet Center Program.

7 thoughts on “What Is TFT?”

  1. Hello, I am a TFT therapist from Norway (pardon my english). Started a year ago, will soon have a licence to give lessons in CT-TFT algoritms. After the DX course at the TFT Academy in Norway I use DX all the time and get much better results. I am educated as a Marine biologist 🙂

    After reading dr. Callahans book I desided to drop my profession and start my own company. In english my companys name is: Get happy!

    I live in a small fishing willage in the North of Norway, and the people here have never heard about TFT. But I love this method and I arrange information meetings and have good faith in geting customers all over the county.

    So, Dr. Callahan, thank you for making my life better, and therefore making other peoples life better too:-)

  2. Dr. Callahan replies: “I appreciate your message–and the way you are bringing TFT to your part of the world! Your commitment to making lives better is most commendable. I hope to see some TFT trauma relief stories from your village on this blog. Thank you, Roger.”

  3. Hi Mary, I am an TFT-ALG practitioner in the Netherlands. One of a few. I would like to add a Dutch Translation for the Trauma Algorithm. And I’d love to make a contribution. How can I help you further?

    Greetings, Paul

  4. Dear Paul, I would love to add a Dutch translation for the trauma algorithm! Thank you so much for offering. This will be a great contribution to the Dutch-speaking world. I will e-mail you about the particulars.

  5. Two things can be happening if you experience this. First of all, there is sometimes a healing response to the treatment. Perturbations and blocks have been cleared during the TFT process, which results in a freeing of energy. It can happen, although it’s rare, that you feel a little symptomatic at this time. Most likely, though, it’s a matter of “peeling the layers”, like peeling an onion. By clearing one thought field or issue, you may uncover a deeper issue, and you then have the opportunity to clear that one. This is a beautiful healing and transformative process that is possible through Thought Field Therapy.

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