“That’s it, it’s gone!”

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My First Trauma Treatment Following TFT Training

by Shalom Siegel, MA Psychology, TFT-DX, 

In October 2013 a 40 year old woman, with Hashimoto’s disease, had a thyroid cancer operation, and one parathyroid was removed, and one transplanted. After the operation she suffered an attack of Extreme Tetany caused by hypocalcaemia (low calcium in her body).

Her muscles froze, she had trouble breathing. She could not move, and went into severe panic. She continues to have daily mini anxiety attacks lest she forgets to take her calcium replacement pills.

She was very weepy and crying all the time.

I did one round of the basic trauma algorithm, the SUD went down a bit, but she had trouble keeping track of numbers because of her emotional state (crying). I treated a reversal and still it was hard to get clear information from her, so I did second reversal and added nose, chin, index, finger and pinky just to cover it all.

She reported that she was so relaxed she couldn’t think of it (the trauma and anxiety) any more but when she was able (to think on it) she saw it as a picture of something happening to another person. She couldn’t understand what was happening to her. She needed to rest so I explained a bit how it works so that she wouldn’t dismiss it as me doing something to her.

Then we tapped at the ‘picture’ that was left, and in the middle of the algorithm she says “that’s it, it’s gone!” So I did the nine gamut to lock it in and that was all!!!

excerpted from “Tapping for Humanity”, Fall 2014 

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