TFT Relieves Young Jamaican’s Trauma from Violence

By Chrissy Mayhew, TFT-Adv, Well Within Reach, U.S.A.

In a recent mission trip to Jamaica with our church to build housing for the less advantaged, I wanted to take the opportunity to share with the beautifully spirited people of Jamaica and the various organizations who support them how Thought Field Therapy can be a much needed tool for healing many problems.

I knew TFT could help with the many stresses and traumas associated with living and working in a country that has very meager resources, out of control teen pregnancies, high crime rate, limited medical facilities and other types of challenges that exist in less advantaged countries.

Our group was counseled not to go off on our own anywhere, walk outside the compound of our facility at night, drink water outside of bottled water, or carry a lot of cash with us.

The church facility where we stayed hired a night guard to watch over the groups during the night because of previous problems with break-ins and theft. Continue reading “TFT Relieves Young Jamaican’s Trauma from Violence”