Relief from Lifelong Trauma and Fear

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TFT in Toronto–Tapping Out Panic Attacks, Rage, Anger, Frustration, Guilt….

In the past six months we have had 18 people take the TFT Algorithm Course and another 14 attended our first TFT Boot Camp. More and more people are finding ways to use this for themselves and people they know.

Russell, one of our attendees at the Algorithm Course in April, shares his comments below:

“After taking the Algorithm course for Thought Field Therapy I can blatantly say it has reshaped my body, mind, spirit, and soul into a whole new being. For the last 3 years of my life I have dealt with a lot of traumatic life changing circumstances. I received treatment from a psychologist and received psychotropic prescription medications for my psychological distress.

Despite the best efforts of my psychologist to help me, through this form of treatment I developed a very strong belief that I was powerless over my emotions, powerless over my circumstances, and powerless over my life and overcoming my past. I developed a destructive inferiority complex and “victim” mentality believing that outside influences were controlling my life, to the point where my physical health became challenged.

I have suffered all my life from an intense fear of death, disease and illness, and despite how irrational or utterly ridiculous that appeared to me and people who new me it was very real. Despite my physical efforts of consistent exercise, eating healthy, and getting a good nights rest, my “uncontrollable” emotions and living in a constant state of fear, prevented me from experiencing true good health.

So what has Thought Field Therapy done for me? What has this form of therapy enabled me to change? I have used it on every conceivable negative emotion. Whether that be uncontrollable panic attacks, rage, anger, frustration, guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, addictions, sadness, despair all with a minimum of a moderate improvement. Thought Field Therapy has enabled me freedom from my lifelong phobias and helped me considerably by eliminating negative perspectives and beliefs that previously prevented me from being the person I was meant to be.

I feel in complete control over my life, a strong sense of self- reliance, and have acquired a beautiful perspective on life I never even knew existed. I am no longer the pessimistic victim I once was over my thoughts and emotions but now I feel optimistic and victorious over them.

The algorithm course taught me how to effectively apply Thought Field Therapy (TFT) not only demonstrated the effectiveness of TFT on myself but also on others while still being very simplistic, straightforward and educational. The greatest element of TFT is the benefit it has given me to positively impact other people.

I considered myself to be a very severe and extreme case to test the effectiveness of Thought Field Therapy; the good news is because of the contrasting experiences in my life they are ultimately working to my advantage now. Because I received so much life changing benefits I am confident when I apply this therapy on other people that no matter how severe the challenge is, it can be effectively helped.

Whatever the phobia, whatever the trauma, whatever the negative emotional response that has prevented me from living my life to the fullest I am confident that the fast, safe, powerful and effective help of Thought Field Therapy will have the same life changing implications on other peoples lives if not greater than my own.”  — Russell

Excerpted from “The Thought Field”, Vol. 20, Issue 5

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