Our prayers and love go out to all those affected by the recent tragedy in Las Vegas. Please pass along the link to this site (www.TFTtraumarelief.com) to anyone who was traumatized by this event, whether or not they live in Las Vegas. In this way we can all bring relief to those suffering.
Category: pain
From Genocide Horror to Compassion for Orphans
Caroline Sakai, PhD, relates the powerful transformation of the village elder who witnessed the slaughter of his wife and children, and endured near decapitation himself, during the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
TFT for Trauma in Belgium
The TFT Foundation offers its sincere condolences to those in Belgium affected by the recent terror attacks. Please let anyone you know that has been traumatized by this tragic event about our site, which has the instructions for the TFT trauma relief technique in 15 languages, including French. Here is the link you can pass along: www.TFTtraumarelief.com.
La fondation TFT présente ses sincères condoléances à ceux en Belgique qui ont été affectés par les récentes attaques terroristes. Faites connaître notre site s’il vous plait, à toute personne de votre connaissance traumatisée par cet événement tragique. Il contient les instructions de la technique TFT d’allègement des traumatismes dans 15 langues différentes dont le français. Voici le lien que vous pouvez diffuser largement: www.TFTtraumarelief.com.
TFT Trauma Relief Helps Woman Move Arm for First Time

The Power of our Beliefs
Just a few months ago I treated one of the most interesting cases of a cure by TFT. It really amazed me, even though I have watched so many cures by TFT.
She was one of the students in my last Algorithm training, let’s call her “Ana”.
Ana had a limitation on the movement of her left arm since she was born. She could move the right arm perfectly but had only limited movement of her left arm.
As she was talking to me about this and some others things she wanted to treat, she mentioned that she had had a very difficult birth. Her mother had to have a cesarean birth in an emergency, without any anesthesia…
She was born premature and was very fragile. She had a problem that the doctors had to stifle all her chest and left arm for six month.
Ana got better and survived but she had this permanent limitation on the movements on her left arm.
When she told me that it just reminded me of the story of circus elephants when babies they are tied by one of the hind legs with a chain to a wooden pole attached to the ground.
The babies elephants try to escape, but they are not yet strong enough to break loose, then eventually end up quitting and never try to escape …
As adults, these circus elephants could very easily break the chain, but because they have developed the belief that they cannot, they just do not escape their shackles.
By this time, I diagnosed with Voice Technology and applied with her two specific tapping sequences, one for the trauma of her birth and the other for the trauma of being unable to move her arm when Ana was just a Baby. She didn’t have the conscious memory of that but she knew it happened as he mother told her, so, I just asked her to think about it the way she normally thinks about it.
After just a few repetitions of these sequences, Ana started to move her arm a little bit better. Then we repeated it some more times, it was around 8 times total.
I asked her to close her eyes and imagine she was moving both arms totally and freely.
She said it was difficult, so we did the sequences again while she was trying to imagine she was moving both arms perfectly in her mind first.
Ana said she could now move them both in her mind!
So I asked her that still with her eyes closed to start moving physically her arms, just the way she was imagining at that time and much to my surprise she started to move it perfectly and freely!
Then I asked Ana to keep moving her arms and just open her eyes and she was very surprised to see she was moving her left arm totally and fully with absolutely no limitation in her movements! We were both very moved and emotional at that moment!
I told Ana the stories about the circus elephants. She understood and was really amazed at how TFT could easily help her to free her mind and her body!
For me it was one of the most beautiful experiences I ever had as a therapist and even after years working and teaching TFT I still got passionate about what it is able to transform in people’s lives!
With joy and love to be able to be sharing this healing tool in Brazil, Leandro
PS It is my dream and goal to found my own non-profit (NGO) in 2017, so I have to make money for that. I am inspired by the work of TFT Foundation, and it will be dedicated to my mother. Until I have conditions to found my NGO, I am training other NGO volunteers with the trauma and pain algorithm, so they can use it with the people they already help. My goal is to train one NGO group each month.
Excerpted from “Tapping for Humanity,” Summer 2015
Continue reading “TFT Trauma Relief Helps Woman Move Arm for First Time”
Urgent Plea for Rwanda Mourning Period

By Joanne Callahan, MBA:
Celestin Mitabu, TFT Kigali Trainer and Director of Rwandan Orphans Project is leading national Radio programs, where even a Rwandan Ambassador called in for help. He is working tirelessly to share TFT Trauma Relief with his country. He has trained University students, the Red Cross teams and many others to assist with the monumental task of healing during the commemoration 100 days.
He urgently needs the funds to continue this work for the last half of the mourning period. Just look at the pictures to see all he’s doing to share healing with TFT.
We have a pledge of three, up to $500, donations for matching funds. Please help us raise the matching $1500 to send to him. He has the first ever national radio shows to teach TFT, is the first one to train Red Cross volunteers and is training teams of university students to help their fellow Rwandans. The people benefitting include the handicapped, the orphans, the prisoners, and families everywhere.
Click here to DONATE. If 100 us each gave $15 we would have the full $3000 needed to continue this healing through the last 50 days of the mourning period. Anyone contributing over $25 will receive a copy of the DVD, From Trauma to Peace. There is no better way to share the healing power of TFT.
TFT and Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying and Low Self-Esteem: A Social Nightmare
By Dr. Victoria Yancey, TFT-DX, TFT-ADV
Young people around the globe are taking their own lives because of cyber bullying. Teen suicides have occurred within the past ten years in Missouri, Florida, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy and numerous other cities and towns.
Cyber bullying has created a social nightmare and has caused far too many teens to hang themselves, jump from bridges or find other ways to harm themselves. The number of suicides continues to grow with the easy access to and the increasing number of social media sites available to teens.
Cyber bullying is using digital technology to harass, embarrass, threaten, torment, humiliate or to make another person feel uncomfortable or scared. A study was conducted in 2010 by Cyber bullying research. It involved approximately 2,000 randomly selected middle school students from school districts in the United States.
The study revealed that of the students 20% reported seriously thinking about attempting suicide. Those figures include 19.7% females and 20.9% males. The results also showed that 19% reported actually attempting suicide with 17.9% females and 20.2% males. In addition, it is suggested that cyber bullying can cause emotional scarring, since it involves threats and humiliation.
Cyber bullying victims were almost twice as likely to have attempted suicide compared to youth who had not experienced cyber bullying.
Young people spend up to 7 hours a day Continue reading “TFT and Cyber Bullying”