Free Online TFT session to heal PTSD

Free Online TFT session to heal PTSD “Releasing Fears and Obstacles to progress in Life” Using TFT (Thought Field Therapy)

Especially for the People of Syria, Palestine and Afflicted Arab Countries.

One of the most important effects of wars that greatly affect people is fear, fear of the future, fear of repeating loss and fear of continuing life normally.

In this session, I will focus on releasing these fears using TFT technique that has helped many and continues to help people in all difficult circumstances.

We invite you to attend this free online session presented by Coach Zeina Hamami, a certified TFT practitioner (in Arabic).

With the full acknowledgement and gratitude of Joanne Callahan, President of TFT Foundation and Callahan Techniques, Ltd.

The session will be on Wednesday 01/15/2025
5:00 PM Syria time – 2:00 PM GMT – 3:00 PM Morocco time

Live broadcast via Facebook group – Link to join the group:

Using TFT for Self-Healing Through Service to Others

by Yoniray Donis, TFT-AVT, Algo Trainer

One of our goals when creating the Self-Healing Foundation was to see if we could inspire people who were impacted by the incredible results they got from TFT to in turn help others. We compared it to a wave of good energy we could help create that would move through our troubled world. What we found, quite remarkably, is that “acts of loving kindness, acts of complete benevolence, dramatically impact the healing process”. We found that energetically speaking, one completes an incredible shift in their own consciousness by going from the recipient of help to the giver of help.

Psychologically, the richness of self-sacrifice, teaching and helping others creates a phenomenal catharsis in the individual. Through the group efforts at an event, we could channel this experience through what we called “missions”. At our first healing conference in Bogota Colombia IN 2024, after several days of healing seminars and higher level teaching, we embarked with 25 participants on a mission to a cancer center and an orphanage. We piled into vehicles and when we arrived at the orphanage, it felt like we had mobilized a healing army of motivated individuals who were eager to donate their time and efforts for the children.

Laura Rodriguez, leader at the orphanage explained that these beautiful children had often come from abusive homes, environments, some even had bite marks or scars on their faces. It struck you immediately how it touched your heart just to be in proximity and the enormity of what we were to undertake dawned on us. It was unprecedented. The administrators were so curious that at first we were to only see a handful of these souls. To our amazement they had assembled a small army of children and we met them in what they called “the jungle”. Basically, “the jungle” was a large outdoor area where they could blow off steam and play. Herding them into a group and engaging them actually took the combined efforts of all 25 TFT trained volunteers who were eager to engage the children. One child immediately plopped into the lap of my partner and co-founder of the Foundation and said “Are you going to be my poppy?” and for the rest of the stay followed him like an eager puppy and sat in his lap smothering him in hugs.

We had created the wonderful tapping song which Joanne  Callahan had graciously uploaded onto this site which engages children through song to follow the tapping sequence. Incredibly the children ate up the teaching, began singing and loved the “King Kong” tapping sequence and as a group you could feel something magical was occurring. Here we were, the people of our Foundation from a dozen countries across the world, together, a small army with only kindness in mind, helping teach TFT healing techniques to these very deserving children. They actually loved it!

Unlike adults, the children put their little hearts and souls into it and began to experience benefits. The administrators watched us because they were worried so many children would be unmanageable. In only a short while the mob of eager rambunctious children had become a very placated, quiet group. Everyone noticed an incredible shift in their energy and focus. They were totally engaged. We taught them the tapping sequence, and explained that this was their special skill they could use whenever they felt troubled and could employ their new skills to lift their troubles. They were very excited.

As a group, the concept of helping these children, of spreading this good energy and knowledge had incredibly lifted our souls as well. To be of service was incredibly uplifting and to see the tangible results was incredible. As the children finally left “the jungle” to return to the dormitory for dinner, the administrator of the orphanage came over to us and said: “I have just witnessed a miracle, these children never come from the jungle into the dormitory calmly. And here they are so peaceful and content. You must teach this marvelous TFT healing to all our orphanages in Colombia”. As our group of 25 TFT-trained instructors piled back into the vans to leave the orphanage throughout our teaching group you heard the same words… “That was the most uplifting and important thing I’ve ever done”. Thank you Dr. Roger and Joanne Callahan for this marvelous gift you have taught us which we had the privilege of sharing through our Healing Foundation

Notes: TFT-trained volunteers were trained in the Stress Reduction Technique

Our world is suffering and it needs YOU.

Are you overwhelmed by any of the Crises going on in our fragile world?

If you are in pain or stress, the freedom to cure your pain is a skill you can be taught:

Learn how to heal yourself and overcome anything.

I am Yoniray Donis, founder of the Self-Healing Community Foundation and a TFT advanced and Voice Technology level practitioner.

Our world is suffering and it needs YOU.

The purpose of our foundation is to spread self-healing. Through the use of TFT, we heal ourselves, help others heal, and spread love.

I am assembling volunteers to treat victims of the floods in Spain and trauma victims in Toronto Canada.

If you would like to be part of this opportunity to help the world heal please reach out to me at:
Subject: Trauma Relief 2024

Thank you,
Yoniray Donis
Self Healing Community Foundation

TFT to be Used in Double-blind Randomized Controlled Study

TFT to be Used in Double-blind Randomized Controlled study with Women in camps for Internally displaced people (IDP) in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

TFT practitioners have been bringing post-disaster trauma relief to places in the United States such as Charity and Oshener Hospitals after Hurricane Katrina, and training local therapists following the shootings at Columbine High School. TFT Practitioners in Japan also utilized TFT to help others in the aftermath of the Fukushima Earthquake and the resulting Tsunami. However, TFT practitioners have been especially active in low and middle-income countries such as Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Mexico, and more recently the Kurdistan Region of Iraq where researchers found that Kurdish refugees responded better to TFT than CBT. Now, Professor and researcher Pegah Seidi will be leading a double-blind randomized controlled study with Women in camps for Internally displaced people (IDP). These camps are now home to just under one million IDPs from surrounding areas including Syria.

The study will begin during the second week of June, with the training of lay people residing in the camps to deliver the TFT interventions. The participants in the study will be adult women who are suffering from trauma. One group of participants will be an active waitlist group and receive relaxation exercises and the other group will receive the TFT treatments.  There will be post-testing one week after the treatments and follow-up assessments three months later. We are excited to be able to offer TFT to a group of people who have suffered through several wars and somehow survived. We will keep everyone posted as things progress and of course, donations are always welcome. This is going to be a lot of people to eventually treat!

Suzanne Connolly, LICSW, will be in charge of treatment fidelity and supervise.  She will register the study and ensure it meets high standards for finding a home in a top journal. She will help write up the study.  Please help us and contribute to this humanitarian and research project.  DONATE

Tapping Out Trauma for the Turkish Earthquake Victims

Thank you to the Japanese Association for TFT.  They hired a professional company to translate it the TFT Foundation’s trauma relief tapping sequence into Turkish and we are most grateful.  Please share this with all you know who are experiencing fear and trauma as a result of the many earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

TFT, bedendeki akupunktur noktalarına parmak ucuyla dokunarak kaygı, korku ve travma gibi psikolojik rahatsızlıkları çözme yöntemidir.

Tapping Out Fear for Syrian School Children


A group of Syrian volunteers visited a primary school in the county side which has been affected by the war and by the recent earthquakes.

Their purpose was to give hope and hope and pleasure to these young children.  One of the activities provided was led by TFT practitioner and trainer Zena Hammami.  She shared a song with the children, created by Abeer AlOsaimi, also a TFT trainer and practitioner.  In the song she tapped with them the 6PRS to become better and to remove blocks to heal from their trauma and fears. This is the first time ever TFT in introduced in the schools in Syria. This healing event was covered by Syrian TV. Zena’s hope is to provide these healing tools to all school children in Syria.