TFT Treating Trauma from Rwanda Genocide

Suzanne Connolly, LCSW, and Caroline Sakai, PhD, have lead several ATFT Foundation teams to Rwanda over the last 3 years for the purpose of  developing a model for treating trauma after large-scale disasters. In the following 2 videos, Ms. Connolly tells the story of their August 2009 mission to Northern Rwanda where they used TFT to help hundreds of people traumatized by the genocide, trained over 30 community leaders who returned to their communities to continue the trauma relief work, and conducted a random controlled study to help refine the model for future missions.
To make a donation to help reduce the suffering from trauma in Africa through TFT training and treatment, click here.

TFT Eliminates Trauma from War in Kosovo

This clip from “The Living Matrix” shows Lynne McTaggart, author of “The Field” and “The Intention Experiment”, talking about TFT’s ability to transform the lives of survivors of the war in Kosovo:

“The Living Matrix – The New Science of Healing” is the feature length documentary that transforms your understanding of how to get well and stay well.

You can find out more and get the Living Matrix movie here:

TFT Eliminates Terror from Armed Robbery

Carl Totton, licensed clinical & educational psychologist, describes 2 separate cases of completely eliminating the overwhelming terror experienced by teenage boys from having guns held to their heads:[youtube=]

TFT Relieves Trauma of At-Risk Teenage Boys

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Christina Mayhew, TFT-Adv, shares how she used TFT to relieve the trauma of troubled and at-risk teenage boys:

A couple months ago I was asked to present Thought Field Therapy to 16 boys at a local home for troubled and at risk youth. These boys ranged in age from 16 to 21 years old and this was the last stop before going to a youth detention center or to another foster care.

Some of the boys came from some really rough neighborhoods. Others were in trouble with the law for various things or their home life was incredibly negative or dangerous for them.

During the day the boys were in a work program teaching them about construction and then in the afternoon and a couple evenings, they would attend school. The other two evenings were spent with different programs learning ways to deal with their anger, frustration, social skills, etc.

The new social worker was a friend of mine and when I introduced her to TFT, she couldn’t wait to have me come work with the boys. We set aside a night for me to teach them and the other social worker TFT.

Knowing most of them suffered some type of trauma and were angry and may have guilt, I decided to concentrate on the Trauma with anger and guilt sequence. [Note: this is the TFT trauma relief technique]

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I arrived. Sixteen boys in a circle with their heads hung low and looking angry to be there. Continue reading “TFT Relieves Trauma of At-Risk Teenage Boys”

TFT Relieves Pain & Trauma from Nairobi Bombing

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Jenny Edwards, Ph.D., TFT-Dx, discusses how she–and TFT–were in the right place at the right time:

When I first heard about Thought Field Therapy, I knew that I wanted to learn it for my work in Africa. I give seminars there, and thought that people there would benefit from knowing a rapid way to eliminate trauma, physical pain, anxiety, addictions, phobias, and all of the other areas that Thought Field Therapy addresses. I didn’t know just how much it might be needed.

In July, 1997, I received an invitation to conduct a two-week training sponsored by the Carmelite Community in Nairobi from August 3-14, 1998. I would be working with priests, nuns, brothers, students, counselors, educators, social workers, and others involved in helping professions.

I accepted with pleasure, and made plans to teach a number of topics that had been requested, as well as a section on Thought Field Therapy.

The bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi occurred the morning of Friday, August 7. Continue reading “TFT Relieves Pain & Trauma from Nairobi Bombing”

TFT Transforms the Lives of Hundreds of Rwandan Orphans

A teacher at the El Shaddai orphanage in Kigali, Rwanda, describes how TFT continues to relieve the fears and anxieties of  hundreds of children who have lost their parents through genocide and imprisonment.
