TFT Relieves 16-Year Old’s Trauma from Uganda Massacre

Photo-AfricanFace19094933.thbSuzanne Connolly, LCSW, TFT-Adv, shares the following story from the ATFT Foundation‘s recent mission to Rwanda:

Kamal holds his hands to his head and says with wonder, “It’s gone! I can’t remember it!” He jumps up and gives me a hug and won’t let go. He dances around the room so we dance around the room hugging tight.

Kamal is 16 and been through more than anyone of any age should have to go through. He was born while his mother was still studying at the University so he lived with his mother’s sister.

When Kamal was three years old his mother died. When he was six his aunt, the only mother he had known, was killed, leaving him and his cousin Abdul orphaned.

He and Abdul were sent to a refugee camp in Uganda and while there he witnessed a horrific massacre. Until now he could never get it out of his mind, and he felt constant sadness and could trust no one. He thought anyone could change at any moment and kill him. He lived in constant fear of danger.

“I know it happened still” he says, “but I can’t think about it!” “Oh I am so happy!” Thank you!  Thank you” “Murakoze.”  He hugs me again and we do the dance for the second time. He finally lets go and we say good bye.

I see Kamal later in the school yard. He has changed to a dress shirt and walks like he has springs attached to his feet. Sometimes he almost skips. He comes back to thank me once again.

It is great to be able to share this moment with Kamal, and to be able to share it, like so many moments, with you. So many beautiful moments shared here in Rwanda, thanks to TFT and the wonderful ATFT members who have contributed to this mission.

There are so many stories, Kamal’s (not his real name, of course) only the most recent.

To go to Suzanne’s blog about this mission to Rwanda, click here.

TFT Healing Traumatic Stress

Dr. Robert Bray, traumatic stress specialist, talks about healing with TFT. [youtube=]

TFT Transforms the Trauma of Genocide to Compassion for Orphans

Dr. Caroline Sakai describes how TFT brought profound relief to a Rwandan elder who endured severe emotional, mental, and physical suffering since seeing his family brutally murdered, himself attacked and left for dead–and how he responded by opening his modest home to local orphans!


TFT for Trauma from Violent Kidnappings in Uganda

Uganda Man during ATFTF Trainings

Roger Ludwig describes the profound healing and transformation that took place at recent ATFT Foundation trainings in Uganda:

“Several of the those participating had been at the Lachor seminary in 2003 when LRA rebels attacked. Government troops fought back, unleashing a two hour gunfight at the seminary. But the rebels succeeded in kidnapping 41 teenage boys, marching them, roped in a long column, away to be conscripted into their guerilla army. Three people were killed.

The priests’ anguish as they silently reflected on their memories of this horror was palpable. As their newly trained priests treated them, all watching were eased to feel it pass like a great oppressive weight lifting from the room. Several of those treated were transformed, explaining to us the profound compassion and forgiveness they now felt, compassion even for the rebels. This was a grace that they had longed for but had resignedly feared they would never know in this life.”

TFT Relief for Rwandan Orphans

Children in Rwanda who were orphaned by the genocide, AIDS and poverty comment on how TFT has relieved them of their suffering and changed their lives.


TFT Tool for Peace

Dove-Heart Picture

The amazing power of TFT (Thought Field Therapy) lies not only in its revolutionary ability to heal on all levels, but also in its simplicity and ease of use—particularly the algorithms developed by Dr. Roger Callahan through diagnosis. TFT algorithm techniques can be used by ANYONE—regardless of education, nationality, age, race or creed—and thanks to the internet, regardless of finances.

Although coaching by a trained practitioner can be helpful, anyone can follow simple directions for the trauma relief technique through written instructions or demonstration video. As many translations as possible will be provided–to give everyone, without borders, access to the most powerful tool for trauma relief available! You’ll also be able to read about and watch demonstrations of its power and many uses.

We invite you to comment and ask questions about using it for yourself and others, individually or in groups. Let’s talk about getting the trauma technique to the far corners of the world. The possibilities are endless!

Millions of people worldwide suffer from violence, natural disaster, illness, divorce, loss of job, home or loved ones, etc. Can you imagine what impact the relief of their suffering—the fear, grief, guilt, stress, anger, hatred—could have on the world?

When I heard Dr. Caroline Sakai tell the story of TFT and the Rwandan elder, I was overwhelmed by the realization of what a powerful tool TFT is for peace in the world.

TFT trauma relief for Rwanda Genocide Survivor
TFT trauma relief for Rwanda Genocide Survivor

During the genocide, this gentleman had seen his family brutally murdered and was attacked and left for dead himself. For years he had endured severe emotional and mental torture, even dizziness and falling. In response to the profound relief he experienced from TFT, he offered to take three or four orphans into his modest home! It’s a beautiful demonstration of how using TFT to relieve the effects of trauma can open people to peace, compassion and community.

What a difference it could make in areas that have been plagued by violent conflict. The implication of this kind of transformation is truly inspirational, especially considered on a large scale!

The ATFT Foundation ( is taking advantage of the internet to make TFT trauma relief available on a global scale! Please join us! Here is how you can help make the difference:

  • Provide translations of the trauma technique instructions—we want as many languages as possible! If you or someone you know can translate the written instructions or provide voice-over translations of the video demonstration, contact sheila @ atft . org
  • Write or video personal stories or case studies using TFT for trauma: Submit written stories to drmary @ thecel . com. Submit videos to sheila @ atft . org
  • Visit the blog often—YOU make a difference! Read its posts and comments, respond with your own comments, link to it from your own web site, forward it to people you think would be interested, could benefit from it, or have contacts with communities in the world who need it. HELP RELIEVE SUFFERING ON A GLOBAL SCALE!
  • Watch the blog for updates