From Trauma to Peace–Your Chance to Contribute

tft documentary

Dear Friends,

This blog is full of many remarkable and moving stories that demonstrate the power of TFT to relieve the debilitating effects of trauma and violence, allowing hearts to open again, and whole communities to revive and move forward.

The TFT Foundation, sponsor of this site, has been working on a documentary to help create the global awareness that entire traumatized communities can help themselves and others end suffering and the cycle of violence. This film, “From Trauma To Peace,” is being produced by an award-winning team and will be of the quality needed for PBS and film festivals.

About 80% of the filming is done. We now need money to finish production, as well as for promotion and distribution. Recently the Foundation began a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo to help raise money for this purpose.

Please, take a stand for peace and contribute to our campaign however you can. Visit the site–donate dollars (check out the perks!)–make comments–revisit our Indiegogo page–and PASS IT ON to others. Give your friends and family an opportunity to further peace, love and hope in the world…especially during this beautiful season of PEACE.

It is activity on an Indiegogo campaign page that makes that campaign successful. Visit our campaign now at — and share it with the world! Help make world peace a reality.

With much appreciation,

Mary Cowley, PhD
Secretary-Treasurer, TFT Foundation

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