TFT Relieves 10-Year-Old Boy’s Trauma from Dog Attack

By Dick Brown, PhD (from “The Thought Field”, Vol 2, Issue 2):

Jimmy, a 10-year-old foster child, came to his first therapy session with the hesitancy, reluctance, and resistance common to this population. In an attempt to engage him, he was invited to create some pictures but stubbornly refused. I then took the pencil and started doodling upside down and unconsciously sketched a person walking a dog.

He looked at the drawing and said, “I’m afraid of dogs.” Despite having this knowledge, I asked him to tell me about it. “When I was little,” he said, “a great big Doberman pinscher attacked me. He bit me on the inside of my leg. Continue reading “TFT Relieves 10-Year-Old Boy’s Trauma from Dog Attack”

TFT Enables Accident Victim to Drive Again After 20 Years

By Ildiko Scurr, TFT-Dx:

Several months ago a client came to me with a problem. Her problem was that she had been in a car accident when her mother was behind the wheel and consequently she could not get into a car and drive ever since. However it turned out that she had not been able to drive for over 20 years since passing her test.

This seemingly simple problem turned out to be very complex with many layers of trauma, anxiety, fear, addiction and self limiting beliefs and toxin issues to work through. Initially though she came to see me for two sessions during which we cleared her trauma from the accident and started treating her childhood issues.

Her father had left when she was nine years old and Continue reading “TFT Enables Accident Victim to Drive Again After 20 Years”

TFT Relieves Pain & Trauma from Nairobi Bombing

Nairobi Embassy Bombing2

Jenny Edwards, Ph.D., TFT-Dx, discusses how she–and TFT–were in the right place at the right time:

When I first heard about Thought Field Therapy, I knew that I wanted to learn it for my work in Africa. I give seminars there, and thought that people there would benefit from knowing a rapid way to eliminate trauma, physical pain, anxiety, addictions, phobias, and all of the other areas that Thought Field Therapy addresses. I didn’t know just how much it might be needed.

In July, 1997, I received an invitation to conduct a two-week training sponsored by the Carmelite Community in Nairobi from August 3-14, 1998. I would be working with priests, nuns, brothers, students, counselors, educators, social workers, and others involved in helping professions.

I accepted with pleasure, and made plans to teach a number of topics that had been requested, as well as a section on Thought Field Therapy.

The bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi occurred the morning of Friday, August 7. Continue reading “TFT Relieves Pain & Trauma from Nairobi Bombing”

TFT Healing Traumatic Stress

Dr. Robert Bray, traumatic stress specialist, talks about healing with TFT. [youtube=]

TFT Relieves Whoopi Goldberg’s Fear brought on by Trauma

One of the debilitating outcomes of trauma can be intense fear. The television show “The View” shows comedian/actress Whoopi Goldberg describing how her extreme fear of flying began after seeing a mid-air collision in 1978–and how TFT is helping relieve that fear.